Hop on!

So here I am! I always loved to write and share my thoughts with the world. But there was always something more urgent or more interesting. Not that writing was not but, honestly, I am a technical guy (as if that’s a proper term ;P ). And also I was afraid that I would make mistakes or someone might confront me for something I wrote.

Here in another thing about confrontation. I believe that everyone has a right to an opinion and so I dislike arguing over your opinion. If you don’t see the way I see or I can’t see your version, maybe it’s just because we have had different experiences. We are what we are because of our experiences.

I believe that, since this is my first post, I should explain the title of the blog! Well, I am planing to write here anything I want without caring about the repercussions or being judged that I am wrong. I know that everyone is entitled to the consequences of one’s actions, but these are the thoughts that would have never left my mind otherwise. Let these words wander about the vast expanses of the internet rather then get destroyed with time. I believe (maybe just like everyone) these thoughts are too precious to get destroyed.

With this I bid thee goodbye with, what RMS had one said to me, “Happy Hacking!”

Written by Zero Volt on 28 December 2016